Monday, September 24, 2007

Real virtual identity=real life:: fake virtual identity=virtual identity

I imagine a new search for someones virtual identity to search all social networking sites and cross reference each one, completing a full circle analysis to their actual identity. It would also search for personal web pages. This would be a search engine dedicated solely to people search. Bosses would be able to use this for future employees prior to conducting interviews. You can use this for long lost loves, or high school classmates. There would be some sort of filtering system to only gather information you would need/want. For example a high school friend doesn't necessarily want to know the persons demographics because they already know these details; they might search by these but they don't need to take up unnecessary bandwidth in the returned results.

There can also be a filter between someone's real identity vs. fake. Many people create fake identities to avoid giving out personal information. This allows people to keep their real life and virtual life separate.

Software that do similar searches that already exist include: Spock, wink, and pipl just to name a few. There's also this site Fake Name Generator
where people can go to create fake identities/personas for personal use or user case study analysis etc.

Ultimately the next design icon will be the virtual identity whether real or fake. Because whether we like it or not our online identity intertwines with our personal life.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

IDENTITY: next design icon

After reading the article Chairs Sitting Pretty, I came upon a serious thought analysis of what the next design icon would consist of. I thought about items that we use everyday and racked my brain as I eliminated item after item. I eventually settled on three different icons to narrow down my search.

1. Glasses: I think it is the obvious next choice in design as they come in a variety of materials, finishes, shades, colors. Everyone wears them whether for vision correction or style or both! I soon came to the conclusion that glasses are already a design icon in and off itself so I needed a new challenge for the 21st century.

2. Next Identity: I thought in terms of the future web 2.0 identity in terms of a digital standpoint as people are beginning to personalize and customize web sites blogs video pics...everything is now user generated. people create fake identities. Things are dynamic from widgets to items created in AJAX; privacy, virtual vs. physical, mirror vanity, user personas etc. the new design icon might be for site designers to allow people to construct their identity differently. How far will professional designers let web 2.0 users alter their sites?

3. Tool for designing the next icon: Laser Cutter: I think if everyone had a laser cutter in their home most items will be designed differently. Items that are the same can then become personalized. Users would be able to rapidly prototype their thoughts. Again this is the common man becoming the designer.

I choose number 2 to work on for the simple fact that we are in the digital age. I will create a new scenario on how I see someones virtual identity...

Lastly from the class discussion the feces as fuel movie I spoke of is from Korea called Aachi & Ssipak
here is the trailer on youtube: